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Bath and Wells MAT

Children's wellbeing and mental health

In school we support children with their wellbeing in a variety of ways:

  • We teach PSHE weekly using the Jigsaw programme with a focus on exploring feelings :
  • We use the 5 point scale visual to support children to recognise how they are feeling.
  • For some children who have more significant emotional or mental health difficulties we use ELSA support. - see separate page
  • We can put in place a weekly catch up with a member of staff.
  • Support from our Safeguarding Coordinator - Karen Harper.
  • Time with Ozzy the dog.
  • A mentor from St James Church - TLG.
  • A referal to an outside agency.

Support with well being links:

Mental Health and Wellbeing Help for Young People & Families 2021.pdf

Somerset Big Tent  - Find services to support your child and yourself

Young Minds - Parental and child guide to support for children's mental health


Worried about your child's behaviour or mental health? - Reliable resources recommended by parents and professionals

Emotional Support

25 Fun Mindfulness Activities for Children and Teens

 How to help with sleep difficulties:

Night time script.pdf

Healthy eating ideas:

Healthy breakfast

Healthy Breakfast guide.pdf

Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

Healthy lunchboxes for Primary years - DOWNLOADABLE.pdf

Healthy Main Courses

Healthy mains guide - DOWNLOADABLE.pdf

Healthy Snacks

Nutrition and Healthy Eating .pdf