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Bath and Wells MAT

British Values

British Values are a key aspect of children’s learning at St James Church School and is intertwined with all areas of the curriculum including the Jigsaw PHSE programme. It allows children to understand their role in society at school, in the local community and nationally. We regularly promote these values through collective worship and class-based discussions on current events. For information on what the current events children have discussed during the year please click on the link below.


Democracy is embedded within the life of the school. Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Forum Action Group which meets regularly. A pupil representative is elected by each class and discussion of relevant issues and the gathering of ideas from their peers is encouraged within classes both before and after meetings. Other roles and responsibilities are also decided by vote across the school such as – Wellbeing Action Group, Healthy Lifestyle Action Group and Eco Action Group.

The Rule of Law:

The importance of Laws, whether they be those that the class or the school abide by, are consistently reinforced by all during every school day. Each class have a Class and E safety Charter that they have created and follow and as a school we follow Golden Rules and specific learning behaviours.  Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws; in that they govern and protect us within the context of the individual’s rights and responsibilities. This fosters an understanding which is reinforced of the consequences of these being broken.

Visits from people who help us within the community such as the road safety team, fire service and local PCSO form part of the curriculum and reinforce these laws. This academic year, children from Years 4 and 5 are involved in community-based projects highlighting the importance of the rule of law such as ‘What would you do?’ run by Unique Voice and the Mini Police programme run by the local PCSO and support team. Year 6 also take part in Bikeability each year to learn the rules of the road and promote road safety.

Individual Liberty:

Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for the children to make good choices, through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand, and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advise how to exercise these safely. These are embedded and discussed further in our British Values collective worship sessions and related to the UN Rights of the Child. Within lessons, children are encouraged to express their ideas, thoughts, and opinions, knowing that these views will be respected, valued, and listened to.

Mutual Respect:

 Part of our school ethos and behaviour policy are based around core Christian values such as ‘respect’ and ‘responsibility’ and these values determine how we live as a community at St James Church School. Collective Worship is based on the values we hold as a school and as part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust and we regularly promote these values in learning and in conjunction with our Jigsaw PHSE programme.  Values are highly visible around the school and can be seen in posters, certificates and as part of our agreed charters in every classroom, these are regularly referred to and adapted where necessary.

An ethos of mutual respect between everyone in the school community resonates throughout and is developed at any given opportunity with a key focus during Kindness Week in November (Anti-bullying).

Our links with St James Church ensure that we maintain a cohesive role within the local church fellowship and through this we draw on their support in many practical, pastoral, and prayerful ways including the TLG programme(mentoring). Having Rev Fabian and David Wilkie actively involved in our Collective Worship and celebrations are a great example of this.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs:

At St James Church School we believe our diversity is our strength and have children attending from across the globe from over 40 different countries. St James Church school is welcoming and inclusive of all children and families regardless of any differences including those of faith, ethnicity, or nationality.  As a school we are committed to safeguarding all of our children and will not tolerate any form of discrimination. We are committed to expressing care and valuing of all. We actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different faiths and cultures. Religious Education lessons and our Jigsaw PHSE programme reinforce these messages throughout with a specific focus during the Celebrating difference unit (usually taught within Autumn 2). We actively encourage members of our school community to discuss various cultures as part of our RE curriculum as well as participating in daily collective worship (where appropriate).

Current Affairs Discussion Topics

British Values Coverage 2024.Spring 1.pdf

Early Years British Values Coverage Spring 1 2024.pdf

British Values Coverage Autumn 2.pdf

Early Years British Values Coverage -Autumn 2.pdf

British Values Coverage Autumn 1 2023.pdf

Early Years British Values Coverage Autumn_1_2023.pd