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Bath and Wells MAT

Children's Wellbeing

Where to find support for children's mental health;

Mental Health and Wellbeing Help for Young People & Families 2021.pdf

Somerset Big Tent  - Find services to support your child and yourself

Young Minds - Parental and child guide to support for children's mental health

In school we support children with their wellbeing in a variety of ways. We teach PSHE  weekly using the Jigsaw programme. We use the 5 point scale visual to support children to recognise how they are feeling. For some children who have more significant emotional or mental health difficulties we use Elsa support. 

Worried about your child's behaviour or mental health? - Reliable resources recommended by parents and professionals

Emotional Support

25 Fun Mindfulness Activities for Children and Teens

 How to help with sleep difficulties

Night time script.pdf

Healthy eating ideas!

Healthy breakfast

Healthy Breakfast guide.pdf

Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

Healthy lunchboxes for Primary years - DOWNLOADABLE.pdf

Healthy Main Courses

Healthy mains guide - DOWNLOADABLE.pdf

Healthy Snacks

Nutrition and Healthy Eating .pdf

Children's Learning Surveys for Years 2 - 6

Please click on your child's class name to take you to their Learning Survey for your child to complete:

Maple Class

Oak Class

Pine Class

Poplar Class

Rowan Class

Sorrel Class

Sycamore Class

Walnut Class

Willow Class

Yew Class