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Bath and Wells MAT

British Values

We endeavour to actively promote the four fundamental values of:

  • Individual Liberty
  • Democracy
  • The Rule of Law
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance

    British Values intent

    Children are active citizens at St James .British Values helps to prepare pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of later life. Children learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity, similarities, and differences. Children have the opportunity to have their voice heard. Children take on roles and responsibilities to have an impact across the school, the wider school community and within their locality. Children value and respect the rules that keep them safe in school and use this knowledge to support them in understanding and respecting societal laws. Children learn from and respect the multi-cultural context of St James Church school and use this to deepen their understanding of difference and equality.

St James Church School Tree

The St James Church School Tree represents  us and our school. The British and Christian values are the roots, nourishing and sustaining. The trunk is the strength of the school supporting the branches which represent the year groups and classes. The fruits represent all of the children and staff who grow at our school. 

Individual Liberty

We endeavour to ensure that everyone understands their rights to freedom and liberty.


This is St James Church School

Let peace live here

Let the rooms be full of happiness

Let love be all around

Love of one another

Love of all people

And love of life and living

Let us remember

That, as many hands build a house

So, many hearts build a school 

As a Church School we promote the Christian Values of:

Perseverance, Reverence,Thankfulness, Trust, Peace, Forgiveness, Friendship, Justice, Hope, Creation and Aspiration

Pupils are listened to at St James Church School and are taught to listen carefully to others and to respect the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. We encourage each other to take ownership of our learning, level of challenge and progress. This encourages a heightened sense of personal and social responsibility and  provides the children with a sense of belonging.


At St James Church School, we endeavor to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equally.

We encourage children to become involved in decision-making processes and ensure that Pupil Voice is a key part of our school development. Our School Forum members, Sports Council members and House Captains (voted for by the children) play an important role in our school development.

Democracy is embedded within the school, whether through the School Forum, Sports Council , House System, our Golden Rules or our behaviour system. Democracy is central to how we operate.

The election of the School Forum members, Sports Council members and House Captains  reflects our British electoral system and demonstrates democracy in action.

School Forum 

Made up of representatives from each class, the School Forum meet regularly to discuss issues raised and events planned. For more information about the School Forum please click on the link below.

Sports Council 

Made up of representatives from each class , the Sports Council meet regularly to discuss issues related to clubs, equipment, healthy lifestyle , sporting activities and opportunities within school and the community. For more information please click on the link below. 

Learning about Democracy in the Wider community

Recently, years 5 and 6 have been learning about the British democratic system, the key political figures, important legislation and events happening at Westminster such as BREXIT . As well as looking at  how current changes could affect society and their lives as individuals. The children discussed how this relates to our school electoral system and how they can genuinely effect change within the school and the community.

The Rule of Law

We endeavour to ensure that everyone understands the importance of rules.

We reinforce the importance of law in respect to home, school and the wider community through assemblies, collective worship, our Golden Rules and our everyday learning.

We ensure that our school rules are clear, and are displayed in all classes and understood by everybody. We follow 6 Golden Rules and every half term we make one rule a focus for the whole school.


We are gentle

We are kind and helpful

We listen

We are honest

We work hard

We look after property 

We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their actions, by guiding them through the school’s behaviour policy. We have a strong anti-bullying culture in school, where issues are addressed quickly. We have a clear and consistent behaviour policy that is carefully followed by all.

Visits by our local police and PCSO's help to reinforce our understanding of the Rule of Law. 

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

We endeavour to ensure that everyone is treated as part of our community with love and respect.

We welcome, embrace and celebrate the diversity within our school community. Come in to school and see our language displays and the range of flags on show, each one signifying the countries represented by the children and families of our school. 

We learn about a range of beliefs and faiths during our RE lessons and through collective worship and our links with St James Church.

Vision and Values


Christian Vision and Values

Ukraine Resources

St James Ukraine Powerpoint 11 03 22.pdf

St James Ukraine Powerpoint 11 03 22.pptx