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Bath and Wells MAT

Well-being Action Group

(1 child per class in Key Stage 2 = 8 children) Led by Mrs O’Connor

Core purpose:

❖ To identify areas for action, promote and improve well-being in the culture of the school.

Key roles:

o To meet with the well-being group which includes staff and governors at least once per half term.

o To promote and improve well-being considering different viewpoints of staff, children and parents.

o Evidence that over time well-being in the school is improving.
o To ensure there is signposting for all regarding support on offer.
o To help to run events to promote wellbeing including well-being day.

o To make a plan to improve well-being that is reviewed each half term.


Well-being Group Action Plan

Wellbeing Action plan 21-2 Evaulated.pdf